Yes! You Can Boost Your Sales And Raise Your Profit Margins. Even if your competition is tough


Are you ready for the Winning Selling Proposition?
Learn more below...


The Winning Selling Proposition is a unique, never-before-published, 3-part framework that has helped Private Investors to raise the value of companies up to 13X in just a few years. And it can do the same for your business.

Cutting your Prices (and then your costs to keep some margin) is a very dangerous “Strategy”

Great Businesses are always able to defend great Margins. You can’t build a profitable, and ever-growing business on price cuts. Not for too long, anyway... And you already know that.

Are your sales not progressing as expected? Are your profits decreased, year after years? Are customers less and less loyal today than before? Are some deals lost at the last minute because someone made an even lower offer?...

Cutting prices doesn’t cut it. Let’s fix it.

How low are you willing to go?

I understand your temptation to undercut the value of your products or services in an effort to compete against low-cost, low-quality competitors that seem to steal your customers right from inside your business. It’s natural. However...


It's all about value!

The problem is NOT your prices. Because the problem is NEVER your prices. And thinking that it is, is the MOST DAMAGING mindset you can have in business!

The real problem is that you probably don’t demonstrate the True and Full Value of your products or services to clients.

When you do that, no one will ask you for a price cut ever again!

In fact, customers will love the deal you’re offering them!

But First, a Fair Warning

The Winning Selling Proposition is NOT a “Succeed Doing Nothing” Framework!

To save a Business requires more than having 1 or 2 tricks

What I offer you is a real, strategic approach to doing business that brings together tried-and-true frameworks that have been validated:

  • By the very best Companies (large or small and in any industry
 it doesn’t matter).
  • By hundreds of my highly successful clients (Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Private Equity Funds, Private Investors, and many others).
  • By me personally during a period of 20+ years in turning around businesses and profitably growing them at fast pace.

After more than two decades of relentless testing, with real-world application and continuous improvement, I have distilled these validated winning practices into efficient frameworks that deliver maximum results through easy execution.

"When you meet Michel and his Frameworks,... there is a ’Before‘ and an ‘After’!"

Frédérik Leloup
CEO of Spirit of Change

I’m certain that these frameworks will work for your company, in two steps:

  1. You’ll have to Apply these Principles and
  2. Because the execution will be easy, you will quickly solve the specific issues linked to your market.

To put it in a nutshell

The Winning Selling Proposition is true and validated Executive Stuff, not Academic Fluff!

Get Your Winning Selling Proposition Now >>

"The Winning Selling Proposition is a highly actionable and very helpful Framework for any Business Owner to increase profitable sales."

Adriano Bersanelli
CEO of Trace

How to Raise the Value of Your Business Without Cutting Your Prices?

The Complete 3-Step Framework That Works in Any Market

How and Why does the “Winning Selling Proposition” work?

The Winning Selling Proposition is a practical, easy-to-use, and comprehensive Mastery Course built around 3 key Modules that will help you to:

  • Discover new (and sometimes unserved) Markets as well as the “Value” expected on those markets.
  • Include that “Value” into well designed Products / Services so that they become immediately attractive.
  • Finally, “Position” back those well designed Products / Services on the Markets they were designed for...

Discover Your Precise
“Market - Value Fit”

The way you view your True Market will change forever!

Discover more segments where you can compete

See segments nobody serves yet!

Instantly develop concrete ideas for serving them

Organize upsells, downsells, Cross-sells and your entire customer journey

Detailed case studies of famous companies that found success with these methods


Create the Ideal
“Value - Product Fit”

The only way to create products and services that “sell naturally”

Understand the value each market segment expects

Develop products that naturally deliver that value

Eliminate customer objections that block sales

Enhance your product’s perceived value without changing the product

Dozens of successful examples to help you design the perfect Value-Product fit

Design the optimal
“Product - Market Fit”

Create the perfect price and product positioning

Revisit the 9 points for mastering your positioning

Create compelling offers for your upgraded products

Incorporate the 2 Winning Words in your final story

Position the right products, at the right prices, on the right market segments

Review our successful real-world examples and tweak your new offer for the perfect positioning

PLUS, when you get the Winning Selling Proposition
You also get this FREE 6-BONUS BUNDLE

Free Bonus Module to Create Winning Strategies

Receive my 1-page Strat-Map, the exact same one I have used to grow sales and profits at fast pace in any industry. You get access to 4 videos and a workbook. (Value $495)

Immediate Discount

Receive a refund of your No-Fail Pricing Formula if you have already purchased it (Value $50)

Live Event Voucher

Transform the entire amount of the “Winning Selling Proposition” price into a voucher when attending any of my live events. (Value $495)

Complimentary Guest Ticket

A FREE seat to bring a colleague along to my live event with you. (Value of $1,795)

Unlimited Support

Access to private Facebook and LinkedIn groups. Connect with experts and like-minded Business Owners and Entrepreneurs to share ideas, receive feedback, and create possible partnerships PLUS my personal support (Value Priceless)

Lifetime Access

FREE access to any future updates and additions of the “Winning Selling Proposition” for as long as you remain a subscriber to my list (Value Priceless)

Total Value


You Save


Your Investment

Get Your Winning Selling Proposition Now >>

I’m so sure that the Winning Selling Proposition will work for you and your business, that I’m willing to take all the risk myself. If you go through the full training program within 30 days of your purchase and don’t get concrete plans and strategies on how to improve your business, I will refund you 100% of your investment right away - no questions asked!

"Michel and his Frameworks are “Game Changers” for any Business Owners"

Valéry Guillaume
Founder and CEO MT-C

Full Real Executive Stuff. No Academic Fluff.

Specifically designed and validated by Business Leaders for Business Leaders with no time to waste on nice intellectual theories. It’s designed to get started next Monday morning !

Why should I invest in the Winning Selling Proposition package?

First, there’s ZERO Academic fluff included in the plans, videos, or workbook. You don’t need a PhD or expensive consultants to craft smart, actionable, and highly successful strategies! The WSP is a Framework developed by successful Doers for Doers looking to succeed.

Second, the highly convenient format has been specifically designed for busy Execs. You get unlimited access (plus free future updates) to a full library of videos + ebooks.

You will have 2 sets of Videos: The extended version with all the details and explanations on the Why and How but also shorter and more-to-the-point ones to go directly to the main techniques to use with many examples to guide you.

Stream the videos online from home for yourself or at the office for your team--whatever suits you best. Download the ebooks and consult the step-by-step guides through the process at any moment.

Third, it’s fast. Each module is structured around 4 short and to-the-point videos that walk you through:

  • Why each strategy is important
  • What it accomplishes in the grander scheme of things
  • How to get there: step-by-step application with all the nuts and bolts to master it
  • Real-world examples of how others did it to inspire you and spark ideas you can test for yourself right away

Plus, get my 100% money-back no-risk guarantee. I 100% guarantee that you will love this training, get a full stack of ideas you can put to the test at the end of each module, and see immediate results on your business profits with the full strategy in place.

Get the Winning Selling Proposition Risk-Free Now >>

"The practical tools developed by Michel will significantly improve your ability to grow your company and its profits."

D. Bennert
CEO Emixis

What you will get with “The Winning Selling Proposition”:

Module 1: The “Market-Value Fit”

How to Find New Attractive Markets

  • The 3 useful consequences of the Pareto Law (or 80/20 rule) almost nobody use, and the wrong assumption most people have about their market. (Workbook Page 3)
  • The very nature of your Market with the easy numbers to keep in mind for measuring its true potential. (Workbook Page 5)
  • A new way to “see” your market as you’ve never seen it before that will both surprise and inspire you right away with new ideas. (Workbook Page 7)
  • The 2 techniques you can apply to uncover the “unseen” Market segments you you could be serving to outperform your competition. (Workbook Page 9)
  • The Right Rules for Right Markets: The 4 rules you need to successfully enter Higher Markets, the 4 rules for success in Lower Markets, and the 3 rules for capturing “Wider Markets” (Workbook Pages 12 and 13)
  • How to create a “Customer Journey” so that potential customers with different objectives and spending powers want to buy from you and come back for additional purchases! (Workbook Page 13)

Module 2: The Value-Product Fit :

How to Create the right Products and Services for those New Markets

  • The 3 things all customers are looking for: how to recognize them and how to leverage them once you do. Plus, the 2 essential references you need to capitalize fully on this. (Workbook Page 15)
  • How to identify the 9 key questions that need to be answered before you design any product or service. Nail these answers and your product or service will naturally attract the attention of customers and essentially sell on its own. (Workbook Pages 16 to 20)
  • 4 recommendations to outperform your competition that you absolutely need to consider before designing any product or service. (Workbook Pages 19 & 21)
  • The reason why any Product is a natural “Obstacle” to the sale and what you need to do to overcome that objection once for all. (Workbook Page 21 to 22)
  • The true definition of what a Sale is (that will cast a different light to complement what you already know) as well as the true relationship between the “Product / Service” and your “Customer” (Workbook Page 25)
  • The 5 elements that truly mark a value difference in any products or Services. (Workbook Page 28)
  • The 9 ways you can enhance the value of your offer and motivate sales without being “sales-y”. Plus, 12 ways to eliminate the risks your customers see in your products or services and that could block the sale. (Workbook Pages 29)
  • How to plan market variations for your offers with the Good/Better/Best approach. (Workbook Page 30)
  • Everything you need to know about Upsells, Downsells, Cross-sells and Bonuses, and how to use them to intelligently complement your offer and increase sales. (Workbook Page 30)
  • The 9 Blocks of questions to design a great Product / Service that your Prospects will want to buy from you (hint: it’s not just a product or a service). (Workbook Page 32)

Module 3: The Product-Market Fit.

Position Your Products on the New Markets for Immediate Success.

  • The 5 lessons learned from the “Photographer” and the 9 points for mastering positioning. (Workbook Page 34)
  • The 7 techniques for crafting compelling positioning and how to apply them in different situations. (Workbook Pages 35 to 41)
  • Why the number 3 is magical in offers and the 1 terrible consequence most people experience when they don’t apply that number! (Workbook Page 35)
  • The 2 words that should always form part of your story and the 1 rule to make any customer accept you price without bargaining. (Workbook Page 42)
  • The 1 rule for developing any Pricing Strategy with references of important resources for digging even further when needed. (Workbook Page 42)
  • The 1 comprehensive secret of Pricing: 3 points to deploy for making your offers perfectly adapted to your Market and triggering the 2+2 reactions that will motivate your customers to buy from you as well help your Closing process. (Workbook Page 43)
  • What powerful Marketing really is today and How to make it work for you (Workbook Page 43)
  • The 5 levers you can press in the negotiation process that you’re not using today (including a Trick one that needs advanced organization and the very few people ever use). (Workbook Page 43)
  • As a conclusion, a sentence that will not only summarize everything you did but bring the true approach of what Sales is and that will transform you and your team forever! (Workbook Page 46)


In total, over 100 rare, unknown, unique, or little-used tips, tools, and techniques used by the best Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Private Equity Fund Managers, and Investors to achieve growth that outpaces competitors. Always.

Get the Winning Selling Proposition Risk-Free Now >>

Hi, I’m Michel Peruch!

Strategic Growth Expert & Creator of the “Winning Selling Proposition”

I Help Entrepreneurs do Well and do Good. Based on 20+ years of experience as a successful Business Leader for American and European Private Investors, and still counting with hundreds of my clients, I have developed highly efficient and practical Frameworks to help businesses successfully accelerate both their Sales and Margins.

I’ve made it my goal to share my Frameworks with ambitious Entrepreneurs who want to profitably grow their businesses, create good quality jobs and make a positive impact in society while enjoying the lifestyle they’ve always wanted.

Doing Business is a passion and should be fun ! (struggling in Business is no fun
 I know , I have been there!)

Business owners don’t need “Academic Fluff” but “Entrepreneur Stuff” that really works !

Through my practical tutorials or workshops and no-nonsense, validated, and easy-to-use frameworks, I’ve helped hundreds of Business Owners and Entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level.

I just wish the same for you: to do well in Business and do good for your people and community !

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