Permission Policy

Ground rules to follow about how to use my content.

Here is a list of actions you may do without my permission:

  • Share my content through Social Media
  • Link to any specific page or post published on my site.
  • Extract and re-post on any other site, that would defend the same goals of spreading good management practices, the title or any part of the content of my Blog’s post provided it’s less than 100 words and that you link back to my original post.
  • Distribute, as a pdf or as a printed paper up to 10 copies for internal distribution within your own company or organization.
  • Print my posts in any non-commercial publication or activity like a company newsletter or a school syllabus (for students aged under 25 years old) provided you include this copyright notice: “© 2018, Michel Peruch. All rights reserved. Originally published at”

My Permission is required for all the following activities:

  • Use this content for any commercial purposes.
  • You can’t sell, license, or commercial use in any way and under any format – printed or digital – part of my content.
  • Alter, transform or build upon this work.
  • Translate my work in another language.
  • Re-posting more than allowed and described in the post here above (100 words).
  • Re-posting the full Post, even when you included the full copyright notice mentioned here above, is strictly forbidden. Why? My Web Site as well as Your Web Site will be both penalized by Google because of content duplication. If you want to have more than 100 words, please ask me to rewrite part of my post so that we are both satisfied.

Content and Posts from third parties

I will sometimes refer to or link or post some content coming from third parties.

I may also ask or accept some guests to post their content on my Blog.

Those third parties and guest bloggers retain the full ownership of their content and it will be, otherwise expressly mentioned, copyrighted to their name so that the above permission guidelines do not apply to their work.

Would you be interested to use, publish, repost, alter or work further on their content, I ask you to contact them directly and I won’t play the contact point between you and them.

Should you still hesitate about how to use my content within a specific situation that is not covered here, you can send me a mail using my AMA (Ask Michel Anything) page.

The following guidelines are subject to change at any time and at the sole discretion of the Site owner. Please visit the site regularly for updates.

Last updated January 2015.


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