Discover and Master the “No-Fail Pricing Formula”

Make Your Competition Irrelevant. Forever.

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If you’ve ever felt frustrated because…

  • The competition undercut your prices with a product far inferior to yours
  • Prospects didn’t buy from you saying your price was too high
  • Your prospects compare your good, high-quality products or services with low-cost ones that are not of the same quality.
  • Some competitors just seem to sell and sell (even with bad-quality products) while you have to struggle to close a deal on your terms.

....then the No-Fail Pricing Formula is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Your Price is Never too High!

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you must lower your prices or offer more discounts to attract clients. Those are last-ditch tactics that will damage your Your Business in the long run.

The only thing you’ll achieve with those tactics is to devalue your products and your company, and condition your clients to compare your products and services with those of a lower quality...

The real problem is that the perceived value of your product is too low for your asking price.

Once you learn how to communicate the full and true value of your product to your clients, they’ll never ask for a discount again. In fact, they’ll be happy you’re only charging them what you do for your services, and not more!

"The No-Fail Pricing Formula is a highly actionable and very helpful Framework for any Business Owner to increase profitable sales"

Adriano Bersanelli
CEO of Trace Group

The No-Fail Pricing Formula is the ultimate training to help you demonstrate the value of your products to clients.

It’s called “No-Fail” because it never fails and “Formula” because it’s easy to apply and it works… always!

The comprehensive No-Fail Pricing Formula will show you:

  • The 7 easy rules you must apply to create great offers that clients can’t say no to.
  • The 1 technique that is a true “secret weapon” in making Offering.
  • How to outperform your competition without ever having to give a discount.
  • Why lowering your price is a true “sin” that brings 5 detrimental consequences on top of the financial ones and how to remedy.
  • 5 levers to negotiate on your terms that you probably don’t have or use today...
  • How real-world companies have applied the No-Fail Pricing Formula in many different markets both in B2C (Food and Beverages, Services, Fashion, Electronics, Subscription to Press and other Media, Cars, Energy, among others) and B2B (Industrial Equipment, Software, IT Equipment, Industrial or Professional Services, and more) to turn their finances around.
  • Step-by-step implementation studies with dozens of applicable ideas on how to turn your business around starting today.
Get the No-Fail Pricing Formula Now >>

"When you meet Michel and his Frameworks... there is a “Before” and an “After”!"

Frédérik Leloup
CEO of Spirit of Change

When you sign up for the The No-Fail Pricing Formula training, you get:

  • 4 training videos structured to take you from price frustration to price liberation. The videos are available online, and you can watch them at your own pace whenever and wherever you want.
  • A comprehensive, downloadable workbook to guide you through the formula step-by-step. You can save it on your device and refer to it whenever you need guidance with pricing in your business.
  • 10+ real-world examples of businesses that have successfully applied the No-Fail Pricing Formula in both B2C and B2B markets.
  • Dozens of applicable ideas for you to try out in your business right away.
  • A private Facebook group where you can have all your questions answered, get new ideas that work, and network with other successful business owners.

And the best part?

This investment is as cheap as a “standard meal”… and usually repays itself 1.000 (or more) times in the following months only!

Now, I know what you’re thinking....

So, Michel, what’s my investment for all this?

Well, the No-Fail Pricing Formula usually sells for $165. However...

Because I want you to see what I do and be able to master by yourself what the most profitable companies use to attract many customers to sell them high priced products and services I am offering you a discount of 70%, or if you prefer, $115.

I’m offering it to you at just $50 as an introductory online offer.

My goal is not to “make money” with that framework. My goal is that “You make money with that Framework”!

Having talked to hundreds of business owners at online forums and networking events who are struggling to keep their businesses afloat simply because they don’t know this pricing formula (which, by the way, the 1% of the top companies out there (including the likes of Apple Amazon, Netflix, and others) use every single day) I wanted to do something to end the price frustration I see all over the internet.

  • I want you to sell your products and grow your business at the prices that reflect the quality of your product and efforts.
  • I want to show you how fun business really is when you’re not constantly worrying about having to lower your prices or about beating the competition.
  • And since business, of course, is only fun when you win, I want to make the No-Fail Pricing Formula a no-brainer, win-win purchase for you. (You win from the offer and you win by raising your prices and getting more business.)

How much is showing true value of your business worth to you?

(If you do the math, it’s probably thousands of dollars that you’re currently losing!)

Get the No-Fail Pricing Formula Now >>

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*P.S. If you’re wondering why I’m giving you an offer when I just told you to never commit the sin of giving discounts, then I have some great news for you:

  1. You’re already ahead of most business owners for noticing this apparent inconsistency (it’s not!), and that makes you the best candidate for nailing the application of the No-Fail Pricing Formula and getting the most out of it.
  2. If you’re still wondering, I’ll give you a hint: Notice that I’m giving you a structured offer and not a last-minute discount, which makes all the difference. We talk more about this difference inside the training.
  3. In video 3 of the No-Fail Pricing Formula training, I talk specifically about negotiating techniques–and yes, even written offers are negotiations!). When we get to that part, I show you the 5 leverages you have at your disposal for making an offer, and when to move each one and how for successful offers and negotiations.

"The practical tools developed by Michel will significantly improve your ability to grow your company and its profits."

Didier Bennert
CEO Emixis

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Not sure whether the No-Fail Pricing Formula will work for your business or industry? No need to be. I’m sure it will. And because I’m so sure it will work for you like it has worked for hundreds of others, I’m willing to take all the risk and make this decision

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Hi, I’m Michel Peruch!

Strategic Growth Expert & Creator of the “Winning Selling Proposition”

After 20 years as successful Business Leader for American, and European Private Equity Funds, I have developed highly efficient and practical Frameworks to ethically and successfully accelerate both your Sales and your Margins.

Because there’s nothing more rewarding, I find, than making the world a better place by helping others unlock their talents and contributions. I’ve made it my goal to share these Frameworks with ambitious entrepreneurs who want to boost the development of their businesses, give life to their vision and dreams, as well as create value and a positive impact in the society.

I’d love to help you improve your business, your life, your community, and the world at large through my No-Fail Pricing Formula.

Join me on the training and implement it on your business, because you will see by yourself just how much it can do for you. I’ve seen it work hundreds of times with business owners just like yourself, and I know it will work this time, too!

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Plus, get a FREE downloadable template for implementation when you sign up today!